Lecture:1 What is Python?
Lecture:2 Python History
Lecture:3 Python 2.x vs 3.x
Lecture:4 Features of python
Lecture:5 About Python Versions
Lecture:6 Applications of python
Lecture:7 How to install Python
Lecture:8 Python Script mode
Lecture:9 Python GUI mode
Lecture:10 Python Interactive Mode
Lecture:11 Python In Linux
Lecture:12 How to execute a python script
Lecture:13 Windows GUI mode
Lecture:14 How to Install ANACONDA
Lecture:15 How to set Path
Lecture:16 Python “Hello World”
Lecture:17 How to Execute Python
Lecture:18 Variables in python
Lecture:19 Keywords in python
Lecture:20 Identifiers in python
Lecture:21 Literals in python
Lecture:22 Operators in python
Lecture:23 Comments in python
Lecture:24 Accessing Strings
Lecture:25 Strings Operators
Lecture:26 Basic Operators
Lecture:27 Membership Operators
Lecture:28 Relational Operators
Lecture:29 Slice Notation
Lecture:30 String Functions and Methods
Lecture:31 How to define list
Lecture:32 Accessing list
Lecture:33 Elements in a Lists
Lecture:34 List Operations
Lecture:35 Adding Lists
Lecture:36 Replicating lists
Lecture:37 List slicing
Lecture:38 Updating elements in a List
Lecture:39 Appending elements to a List
Lecture:40 Deleting Elements from a List
Lecture:41 Functions and Methods of Lists
Lecture:42 How to define tuple
Lecture:43 Accessing tuple
Lecture:44 Elements in a tuple
Lecture:45 Tuple Operations
Lecture:46 Tuple slicing
Lecture:47 Deleting tuple
Lecture:48 Functions and Methods of tuple
Lecture:49 How to define dictionary
Lecture:50 Accessing Dictionary
Lecture:51 Updating
Lecture:52 Deletion
Lecture:53 Functions and Methods
Lecture:54 “If” in python
Lecture:55 “If else” in python
Lecture:56 “else if” in python
Lecture:57 “nested if” in python
Lecture:58 “for loop” in python
Lecture:59 “while loop” in python
Lecture:60 “break” in python
Lecture:61 “continue” in python
Lecture:62 “pass” in python
Lecture:63 Defining a Function
Lecture:64 Invoking a Function
Lecture:65 return Statement
Lecture:66 Argument and Parameter
Lecture:67 Passing Parameters
Lecture:68 Default Arguments
Lecture:69 Keyword Arguments
Lecture:70 Anonymous Function
Lecture:71 Difference between Normal Functions and Anonymous Function
Lecture:72 Scope of Variable
Lecture:73 “print” statement
Lecture:74 Input from Keyboard
Lecture:75 Operations on Files
Lecture:76 Opening file
Lecture:77 closing file
Lecture:78 reading file
Lecture:79 writing file
Lecture:80 Modes of files
Lecture:81 Methods in files
Lecture:82 Python OOPs Concepts
Lecture:83 Python Object Class
Lecture:84 Python Constructors
Lecture:85 Python Inheritance
Lecture:86 Multilevel Inheritance
Lecture:87 Multiple Inheritance
Lecture:88 Operator Overloading
Lecture:89 Function Overriding
Lecture:88 Importing a Module
Lecture:89 Example of importing multiple modules
Lecture:90 How to use “from” import statement
Lecture:91 import whole module
Lecture:92 Built in Modules in Python
Lecture:93 Package
Lecture:94 What is Exception handling
Lecture:95 Declaring Multiple Exception
Lecture:96 Finally Block
Lecture:97 Raise an Exception
Lecture:98 Custom Exception
Lecture:99 Retrieve Time
Lecture:100 Formatted Time
Lecture:101 time module
Lecture:102 date module
Lecture:103 date time module
Lecture:104 Math module
Lecture:105 Random module
Lecture:106 Sys module
Lecture:107 List Comprehension
Lecture:108 Closure
Lecture:109 Iterator
Lecture:110 Generator
Lecture:111 Decorators
Lecture:112 Map function
Lecture:113 Filtering
Lecture:114 Zipping
Lecture:115 with Statement
Lecture:116 Keyword arguments
Lecture:117 *args vs. ** kwargs
Lecture:118 Code Introspection
Lecture:119 Multithreading
Lecture:120 Regular Expressions
Lecture:121 Web Scraping using BeautifulSoup
Lecture:122 Extracting data from Excel File
Lecture:123 Extracting data from MS-Word file
Lecture:124 Extracting data from PDF
Lecture:104 Interview Oriented Questions and Answers Discussion.
Introduction to data science
Stages of data science
Prerequisites to become a Data Scientist
Job scope in data science
Tools and packages used for data analytics
Environmental Setup
Introduction to numpy
Introduction to data analysis
Numpy environmental setup
Ndarray Object
Array attribute
Array Creation
Indexing and Slicing
Array from Existing Data
Advanced Indexing
Array from Numerical ranges
Array Iteration
Array Manipulation
Binary Operators
String Functions
Mathematical functions
Arithmetic Operations
Sort, Search, Counting functions
Statistical Functions
Byte swapping
Copies and Views
Matrix Library
Linear Algebra
Histogram using Matplotlib
I/O with numpy
Introduction to pandas
Pandas environmental setup
Introduction to Data Structure
Pandas Series
Basic Functionality
Dataframe, Panel
Function Application
Descriptive Statistics
Working with Text data
Selecting Data
Statistical Functions
Missing data
Group by
Merging or joining
Date functionality
Time delta
Categorical data
Data Visualization
I/O Tools
Sparse Data
Comparison with SQL
Introduction to data visualisation
Chart properties
Chart styling
Heat Maps
Box plots
Scatter plots
Bubble charts
3D charts
Time Series
Graph data
Geographical data
Importing datasets and libraries
Color Palette
Visualize pairwise relationship
Statistical Estimation
Kernel Density Estimation
Facet Grid
Pair Grid
Visualizing Statistical Relationships
Introduction to SQL
Database Normalization and Entity Relationship Model(self-paced)
SQL Operators
Working with SQL: Join, Tables, and Variables
Deep Dive into SQL Functions
Working with Subqueries
SQL Views, Functions, and Stored Procedures
Deep Dive into User-defined Functions
SQL Optimization and Performance
Advanced Topics
Managing Database Concurrency
Practice Session
Case Study
Writing comparison data between the past year and to present year concerning top products, ignoring the redundant/junk data, identifying the meaningful data, and identifying the demand in the future(using complex subqueries, functions, pattern matching concepts).
Descriptive Statistics
The measure of central tendency, the measure of spread, five points summary, etc.
Probability Distributions, Probability in Business Analytics
Probability Distributions, Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution, Bayes’ Theorem, central limit theorem
Inferential Statistics
Correlation, covariance, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, F-test, Z-test, t-test, ANOVA, chi-square test, etc.
Hypothesis Testing
Type-I error
Type-II error
Case Study
This case study will cover the following concepts:
Building a statistical analysis model that uses quantification, representations, and experimental data
Reviewing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from the data
Power BI Basics
Introduction to PowerBI, Use cases and BI Tools, Data Warehousing, Power BI components, Power BI Desktop, workflows and reports, and Data Extraction with Power BI.
SaaS Connectors, Working with Azure SQL database, Python, and R with Power BI
Power Query Editor, Advance Editor, Query Dependency Editor, Data Transformations, Shaping and Combining Data, M Query, and Hierarchies in Power BI.
Data Modeling and DAX, Time Intelligence Functions, DAX Advanced Features
Data Visualization with Analytics
Slicers, filters, Drill Down Reports
Power BI Query, Q & A and Data Insights
Power BI Settings, Administration and Direct Connectivity
Case Study:
This case study will cover the following concepts:
Creating a dashboard to depict actionable insights in sales data
Reading the Data, Referencing in formulas , Name Range, and Logical
Functions, Conditional Formatting, Advanced Validation, Dynamic Tables in Excel, Sorting and Filtering
Working with Charts in Excel, Pivot Table, Dashboards, Data, and File Security
VBA Macros, Ranges, and Worksheets in VBA
IF conditions, loops, Debugging, etc.
Excel For Data Analytics
Handling Text Data, Splitting, combining, data imputation on text data, Working with Dates in Excel, Data Conversion, Handling Missing Values, Data Cleaning, Working with Tables in Excel, etc.
Data Visualization with Excel
Charts, Pie charts, Scatter, and bubble charts
Bar charts, Column charts, Line charts, Maps
Multiples: A set of charts with the same axes, Matrices, Cards, Tiles
Ensuring Data and File Security
Data and file security in Excel, protecting row, column, and cell, the different safeguarding techniques.
Learning about VBA macros in Excel, executing macros in Excel, the macro shortcuts, applications, the concept of relative reference in macros, In-depth understanding of Visual Basic for Applications, the VBA Editor, module insertion and deletion, performing an action with Sub and ending Sub if condition not met.
Statistics with Excel
Introduction to Machine Learning
1.Supervised, Unsupervised learning.
2.Introduction to scikit-learn, Keras, etc.
1.Introduction classification problems, Identification of a regression problem, dependent and independent variables
2.How to train the model in a regression problem?
3.How to evaluate the model for a regression problem?
4.How to optimize the efficiency of the regression model?
1.Introduction to classification problems, Identification of a classification problem, dependent and independent variables
2.How to train the model in a classification problem?
3.How to evaluate the model for a classification problem?
4.How to optimize the efficiency of the classification model?
1.Introduction to clustering problems, Identification of a clustering problem, dependent and independent variables
2.How to train the model in a clustering problem?
3.How to evaluate the model for a clustering problem?
4.How to optimize the efficiency of the clustering model?
Supervised Learning
1.Linear Regression – Creating linear regression models for linear data using statistical tests, data preprocessing, standardization, normalization, etc.
2.Logistic Regression – Creating logistic regression models for classification problems – such as if a person is diabetic or not, if there will be rain or not, etc.
Unsupervised Learning
1.K-means – The K-means an algorithm that can be used for clustering problems in an unsupervised learning approach
2.Dimensionality reduction – Handling multi dimensional data and standardizing the features for easier computation
3.Linear Discriminant Analysis – LDA or linear discriminant analysis to reduce or optimize the dimensions in the multidimensional data
4.Principal Component Analysis – PCA follows the same approach in handling multidimensional data
Performance Metrics
1.Classification reports – To evaluate the model on various metrics like recall, precision, f-support, etc.
2.Confusion matrix – To evaluate the true positive/negative, and false positive/negative outcomes in the model.
r2, adjusted r2, mean squared error, etc.
3.Time Series Forecasting – Making use of time series data, gathering insights and useful forecasting solutions using time series forecasting
Time Series Forecasting
1.Resampling, Autocorrelation, Forecasting, Seasonal
2.Naive, Double/Triple Exponential (Holt) Residual Analysis, Stationarity tests
3.Autoregressive methods, moving averages, ARIMA, SARIMA
What is AI?
Types of AI.
Advantages of AI.
Applications of AI in Current Era.
What is Reinforcement Learning?
Types of RL.
Advantages of Reinforcement Learning.
Applications of Reinforcement Learning.
Models used for Reinforcement Learning.
Key features of RL.
Elements of RL.
What is Agent?
What is Environment?
What is reward and Punishment in RL.
Bellman Equation.
Reinforcement Learning Models.
Markov Decision Process.
What is Q-Learning?
Application of RL Models.
[Natural Language Processing (NLP)]
What is NLP?
Advantages of NLP.
Applications of NLP in Practical Fields.
Types of NLP.
Various Tools/Libraries used for NLP.
Installing NLP Packages.
Working with NLTK Package.
Rule based NLP vs. Statistical NLP.
Tokenizing words and sentences with nltk.
Word Level Analysis.
Syntactic Analysis.
Semantic Analysis.
Part of Speech Tagging(PoS)
Stemming, Lemmatization
Chunking, Chinking
Named Entity Recognition (NER).
Bag of Words.
Practical Project Implementation of NLP.
What is Computer Vision?
Need of Computer Vision?
Packages used for Computer Vision.
Introduction to Computer Vision
Introduction to OpenCV
Installing OpenCV
Storing Images
Reading Images
Writing Images
Image Conversion
Colored Image to Binary
Grayscale to Binary
Drawing Functions
Drawing a Circle
Drawing a Line
Drawing a Rectangle
Drawing an Ellipse
Drawing Polylines
Adding Text
Blur Techniques
Bilateral Filter
Box Filter
SQRBox Filter
Morphological Operations
Image Pyramids
Simple Threshold
Adaptive Threshold
Adding Borders
Transformation Operations
Laplacian Transformation
Distance Transformation
Camera and Face Detection
Face Detection in a Picture
Face Detection using Live Camera
Geometric Transformation
Affine Translation
Color Maps
Canny edge Detection
Practical Project Implementation using Open CV.
Introduction to Deep Learning.
Advantages of Deep Learning.
Applications of Deep Learning.
Packages used for Deep Learning.
Models used for Deep Learning.
What is Neural Networks?
Types of Artificial Neural Networks.
Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN)
Application of CNN.
Intuition behind CNN.
Practical Implementation of CNN.
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN).
Application of RNN.
Intuition behind RNN.
Practical Implementation of RNN.
LSTM (Long Short Term Memory).
Application of LSTM.
Multilayer Perceptron.
Application of Multilayer Perceptron.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
Restricted Boltzman Machine (RBM).
Deep Belief Network.
Auto Encoder.
Application of Deep Learning Models.
Introduction to Keras.
Installing Keras.
Keras Layers.
Keras Models
Keras Model Compilation
Regression Prediction using MPL.
Time Series Prediction using LSTM and RNN.
Keras Vs. Tensorflow vs.PyTorch Vs.CNTK Vs.Theano
Project Implementations using Keras.
Introduction to Tensorflow.
Installing Tensorflow.
CPU vs. GPU vs. TPU.
Tensorflow Basics: Tensors, Shapes, Types, Sessions, Operators.
What is Tensor board?
What is Placeholder?
Data frame and Data range use of pandas.
How to import CSV Datasets in TF?
Linear regression using TF.
Tensorflow Optimizers.
Gradient Decent Optimization.
Convolutional Neural Network using TF.
Recurrent Neural Networks using TF.
Multilayer Perceptron using TF.
Hidden Layer Perceptron.
Practical Project Implementations of Tensorflow.
What is Google Colab?
How to run Tensor Flow on Google Colab.
Data Visualization Using Tableau
Introduction to Data Visualization
Introduction to Tableau
Basic Charts and Dashboard
Descriptive Statistics, Dimensions and Measures
Visual Analytics: Storytelling through Data
Dashboard Design & Principles
Advanced Design Components/ Principles: Enhancing the Power of Dashboards
Special Chart Types
Tableau to Analyze Data
Connect Tableau to a variety of dataset
Analyze, Blend, Join and Calculate Data
Tableau to Visualize Data
Visualize Data In the form of Various Charts, Plots and Maps
Data Hierarchies
Work with Data Blending in Tableau
Work with Parameters
Create Calculated Fields
Adding Filters and Quick Filters
Create Interactive Dashboards
Adding Actions to Dashboard
Case Study: Hands-on Using Tableau
Integrate Tableau with Google Sheets
What is SAS?
Why SAS is popular in job market?
SAS Modules
How to download and install SAS Software
Base SAS Tutorials
SAS Tutorial for Beginners
How to Import Data
How to Export Data
Data Manipulation and Analysis with SAS
SAS Functions
Advanced SAS : Proc SQL
Advanced SAS : SAS Macros
Practical Problem-Solving SAS Examples
SAS Analytics / Statistics Tutorial
SAS Certification Questions and Answers
SAS Interview Questions and Answers
Analytics Companies using SAS
Data Visualizations with SAS Graphs
Getting Started with SPSS
The SPSS Environment
The Data View Window
Using SPSS Syntax
Data Creation in SPSS
Importing Data into SPSS
Variable Types
Date-Time Variables in SPSS
Defining Variables
Creating a Codebook
Working with DataToggle Dropdown
Computing Variables
Recoding Variables
Recoding String Variables (Automatic Recode)
Weighting Cases
Rank Cases
Sorting Data
Grouping Data
Data Mining - Intro
Data Mining - Tools
Data Mining - Issues
Data Mining - Evaluation
Data Mining - Terminologies
Data Mining - Knowledge Discovery
Data Mining - Systems
Data Mining - Query Language
Classification & Prediction
Data Mining - Decision Tree Induction
Data Mining - Bayesian Classification
Rules Based Classification
Data Mining - Classification Methods
Data Mining - Cluster Analysis
Data Mining - Mining Text Data
Data Mining - Mining WWW
Data Mining - Applications & Trends
Data Mining with RapidMiner
What is RapidMiner ?
Rapidminer as a Data Mining Interpreter
Process setup records
As a matter of fact you have two separate cycles
RapidMiner Products
RapidMiner Auto Model
RapidMiner Turbo Prep
RapidMiner Go
RapidMiner Server
RapidMiner Radoop
Web Scraping
What is Web Scraping?
Scrape and Parse Text From Websites
Build Your First Web Scraper
Extract Text From HTML With String Methods
Get to Know Regular Expressions
Extract Text From HTML With Regular Expressions
Python Modules for Web Scraping
Legality of Web Scraping
Data Extraction
Data Processing
Processing Images and Videos
Dealing with Text
Scraping Dynamic Websites
Scraping Form based Websites
Processing CAPTCHA
Use an HTML Parser for Web Scraping in Python
Install Beautiful Soup
Create a BeautifulSoup Object
Use a BeautifulSoup Object
Check Your Understanding
Interact With HTML Forms
Install MechanicalSoup
Create a Browser Object
Submit a Form With MechanicalSoup
Interact With Websites in Real Time
Introduction to Big Data Hadoop
What is Big Data?
What is Hadoop?
Hadoop Installation
Hadoop Modules
What is HBase?
HBase Model
HBase Read
HBase Write
HBase MemStore
HBase Installation
RDBMS vs HBase
HBase Commands
HBase Example
What is Hive?
Hive Installation
Hive Data Types
Hive Partitioning
Hive Commands
Hive DDL Commands
Hive DML Commands
Hive Sort by Order by
Hive Joins
What is Pig?
Pig Installation
Pig Run Modes
Pig Latin Concepts
Pig Data Types
Pig Example
What is Sqoop?
Sqoop Installation
Starting Sqoop
Sqoop Import
Sqoop Where
Sqoop Export
Spark Intro
Spark Installation
Spark Architecture
Spark Components
Spark RDD
What is RDD
RDD Operations
RDD Persistence
RDD Shared Variables
In-built Functions
Map FunctionFiler
FunctionTake Function
PySpark Basics
PySpark – Features
PySpark – Advantages
PySpark – Modules & Packages
PySpark – Cluster Managers
PySpark – Install on Windows
PySpark – Install on Mac
PySpark – Web/Application UI
PySpark – SparkSession
PySpark – SparkContext
PySpark – RDD
PySpark – Parallelize
PySpark – repartition() vs coalesce()
PySpark – Broadcast Variables
PySpark – Accumulator
PySpark DataFrame
PySpark – Create an empty DataFrame
PySpark – Convert RDD to DataFrame
PySpark – Convert DataFrame to Pandas
PySpark – show()
PySpark – StructType & StructField
PySpark – Column Class
PySpark – select()
PySpark – collect()
PySpark – withColumn()
PySpark – withColumnRenamed()
PySpark – where() & filter()
PySpark – drop() & dropDuplicates()
PySpark – orderBy() and sort()
PySpark – groupBy()
PySpark – join()
PySpark – union() & unionAll()
PySpark – unionByName()
PySpark – UDF (User Defined Function)
PySpark – transform()
PySpark – apply()
PySpark – map()
PySpark – flatMap()
PySpark – foreach()
PySpark – sample() vs sampleBy()
PySpark – fillna() & fill()
PySpark – pivot() (Row to Column)
PySpark – partitionBy()
PySpark – MapType (Map/Dict)
PySpark SQL Functions
PySpark – Aggregate Functions
PySpark – Window Functions
PySpark – Date and Timestamp Functions
PySpark – JSON Functions
PySpark Datasources
PySpark – Read & Write CSV File
PySpark – Read & Write Parquet File
PySpark – Read & Write JSON file
PySpark – Read Hive Table
PySpark – Save to Hive Table
PySpark – Read JDBC in Parallel
PySpark – Query Database Table
PySpark – Read and Write SQL Server
PySpark – Read and Write MySQL
PySpark – Read JDBC Table
Snowflake - Introduction
Snowflake - Data Architecture
Snowflake - Functional Architecture
Snowflake - How to Access
Snowflake - Editions
Snowflake - Pricing Model
Snowflake - Objects
Snowflake - Table and View Types
Snowflake - Login
Snowflake - Warehouse
Snowflake - Database
Snowflake - Schema
Snowflake - Table & Columns
Snowflake - Load Data From Files
Snowflake - Sample Useful Queries
Snowflake - Monitor Usage and Storage
Snowflake - Cache
Unload Data from Snowflake to Local
Snowflake – Create Database
SnowSQL – Load CSV file into Table
SnowSQL – Load Parquet file into table
SnowSQL – Unload Snowflake Table to CSV file
SnowSQL – Unload Snowflake table to Parquet file
SnowSQL – Unload Snowflake table to Amazon S3
Snowflake – Spark Connector
Snowflake – Spark DataFrame write into Table
Snowflake – Spark DataFrame from table
Introduction to Amazon SageMaker
Get started on SageMaker
Customer Churn Prediction with XGBoost
Prepare data
Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler
Distributed Data Processing using Apache Spark and SageMaker Processing
Get started with SageMaker Processing
Train and tune models
Hyperparameter Tuning with the SageMaker TensorFlow Container
Deploy models
Deploying pre-trained PyTorch vision models with Amazon SageMaker Neo
Use SageMaker Batch Transform for PyTorch Batch Inference
Track, monitor, and explain models
Amazon SageMaker Model Monitor
Orchestrate workflows
Orchestrate Jobs to Train and Evaluate Models with Amazon SageMaker Pipelines
SageMaker Pipelines Lambda Step
Popular frameworks
Hugging Face Sentiment Classification
Iris Training and Prediction with Sagemaker Scikit-learn
Train an MNIST model with TensorFlow
Train an MNIST model with PyTorch
BigML - Using a Decision Tree Model
BigML - Using an Ensemble
BigML - Using a Deepnet Model
BigML - Using a Linear Regression
BigML - Using a Logistic Regression
BigML - Using a Fusion Model
BigML - Using a Time Series
BigML - Using an OptiML
BigML - Using a Cluster
BigML - Using an anomaly detector
BigML - Using a Topic Model
BigML - Using Association Discovery
BigML - Using a PCA
BigML - Creating and executing scripts
BigML - Images Classification
BigML - Images Feature Extraction
BigML - Images Object Detection
MLOps Introduction
What is MLOps?
MLOps Lifecycle
MLOps Capabilities
Getting Started with MLOps
MLOps - ML Development
MLOps - Model Building and Training
MLOps - Training Operationalisation
MLOps - Model Versioning
MLOps - Model Registry
MLOps - Model Governance
MLOps - Model Deployment
MLOps - Prediction Serving
MLOps - Model Monitoring
What is MLflow?
Install MLflow, instrument code & view results in minutes
Compare runs, choose a model, and deploy it to a REST API
MLflow Tracking
MLflow LLM Tracking
MLflow Projects
MLflow Models
MLflow Model Registry
MLflow Recipes
MLflow AI Gateway (Experimental)
MLflow Plugins
MLflow Authentication
MLflow vs. Airflow
What is Streamlit?
Why should data scientists use Streamlit?
How to use Streamlit
Install Streamlit
How to run your Streamlit code
Display texts with Streamlit
Display an image, video or audio file with Streamlit
Input widgets
Display progress and status with Streamlit
Sidebar and container
Display graphs with Streamlit
Display maps with Streamlit
Build a machine learning application
How to deploy a Streamlit app
Generative AI
1. Foundations of Generative AI
a. Machine Learning (ML) Paradigms
b. Neural Networks, Architectures, Activation Functions, Optimization Techniques
c. Representation Learning, Embeddings, Feature Engineering
d. Probabilistic Models, Bayesian Networks, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs)
e. Reasoning and Planning
f. Natural Language Processing, Tokenization, Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging,
Named Entity Recognition (NER), Word2Vec
g. Computer Vision, Image classification, Object detection, Image segmentation
h. Foundation Models and Their Roles
2. Language Modeling and Transformers
a. Sequential Data Modeling, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),
Encoder-Decoder Models
b. Natural Language Generation and Understanding
c. Multilingual Language Models, Cross-lingual learning
d. Attention Mechanisms, Transformers, Self-attention, Multi-head attention
e. Pre-trained Transformers: BERT, GPT, T5, XLNet, LaMDA, etc.
f. Conditional Language Generation, Text summarization, Question answering
g. Textual Encoding and Decoding: Tokenization, Byte Pair Encoding (BPE)
3. Large Language Models
a. Weight, Bias and Parameters of Language Models
b. Reasoning and Commonsense Knowledge Integration
c. Multimodal Learning and Embeddings
d. Memory and Efficiency Optimization
e. GPT, LLaMA, LaMDA, PaLM, Gemini, Falcon, BLOOM
f. Zero-shot and Few-shot Learning
g. Evaluation Metrics for LLMs
4. Generative AI and LLM Frameworks
a. Tensorflow and PyTorch
b. Hugging Face
c. Lang Chain
d. Llama Index
e. Generative AI providers - OpenAI, Cohere, Anthropic, LLMFlow
f. Generative AI Agents, AutoGPT, AgentGPT, BabyAGI
g. Code Generative Tools - Amazon CodeWhisper, OpenAI Codex
h. Open-source Tools and Resources for Generative AI
5. Image Generative Models
a. Autoencoder and its Variants
b. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
c. Style Transfer and Image Transformation
d. Latent Diffusion Model
e. Stable Diffusion
g. Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP)
h. Attention Mechanisms in Image Generation
i. Hierarchical Text-Conditional Image Generation with CLIP Latents
6. Prompt Engineering
a. Prompt Design Strategies
b. Task Formulation in Prompts
c. Prompt Patterns
d. Prompt Tuning Techniques
e. Fine-tuning Prompts for Specific Tasks
f. Domain-specific Prompt Engineering
g. Dynamic and Adaptive Prompting
h. Zero-shot learning, Chain-of-thought, Self-consistency
i. Evaluating Prompt Performance
7. Vector Databases and Search
a. Vector Databases
b. High-dimensional Data Storage
c. Vector Embeddings
d. High-Dimensional Semantic Similarity
e. Personalized Search, Multimodal Search, Knowledge Graph Search
f. Semantic search, Conversational search, Visual search
g. Personalization and Relevance Ranking
h. Evaluation of Search Systems
8. Fine Tuning and Optimizing the LLMs
a. Hyperparameter Tuning and Optimization
b. Data Augmentation for Fine-tuning
c. Prompt Tuning
d. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)
e. Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning (PEFT) Techniques
f. Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF)
g. Efficient Training Pipeline
9. Deployment and Scaling of Generative Models
a. Model Deployment Strategies
b. Scalability and Resource Management for Generative Models
c. Automated Pipelines for Model Deployment
d. Versioning and Rollback Strategies
e. Model Monitoring and Performance Tracking
f. Interoperability and Compatibility
g. Robustness and Error Handling in Model Deployment
h. Security Measures in Model Deployment
i. AIOps and LLMOps